DDN - Gestão de Projetos, S.A.







Integrated management is the most comprehensive service developed by DDN, comprising the steps from the very idea and investment program, until the delivery of the final project. This is a global solution for the development of your project.

In this type of service, DDN’s methodology allows a great control on the part of the customer, once after setting all assumptions with DDN, the client has a single entity responsible for managing the entire project. This allows you to save, not only in their structural costs for project monitoring, but also have obvious gains in runtime and the final cost of the project.

DDN can develop its Integrated Management service in a conventional model, in which different entities can intervene along the different stages, or in an EPC model (Engineering, Procurement & Construction).

EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) Model

It is a model of Project Completion that is increasingly sought after, especially by International Investors, where a single entity is responsible for the Design and Execution / Implementation of the Project, and there may be different approaches in the use of this model, depending on the area of ​​operation.

In this Integrated Management model, the success of its implementation depends on a well defined and detailed Project Scope.

Through methods and methodologies continuously improved and applied in projects of an identical nature, DDN offers this experience and the opportunity to discuss in an informed way with its Clients, writing a Scope document in an objective, detailed and complete manner.

Once the Scope has been prepared, it will be possible to prepare a complete Tender Program and Specifications (these documents have very specific aspects, taking into account the nature of the contract to be signed and which will be incorporated in the consultation) to proceed with the selection of Company that will carry out the Project.

On our behalf you can count on:

The best project solutions, fully coordinated and made compatible;
A team capable of handling peer-to-peer with the construction company in the preparation and management of the contract during the period of work;
Maximum Project Cost guaranteed, assured by a rigorous and integrated management of the entire construction project;
Full control of deadlines and project work;
Guaranteed quality in the design and work phases.

The main steps of this service include:

Project Strategy
At this stage are carried out several market studies and feasibility studies (technical, financial and economic), helping to define the scope of the project. It is also at this stage that if they study the different financing solutions available;
It is also at this stage that we define with the client what the rights and responsibilities of the several Stakeholders of the project are, the form and type of communications and risk analysis. This process has as output the strategic plan of the project, which is essential to investment, sets the budget and planning project basis, duly substantiated by market survey and feasibility, taking into account the risk analysis. It’s this document that will be reflected the rules of relationships and decision-making of the Stakeholders of the project, properly mirrored in the Array of Responsibilities and Information Flow Chart.

At this stage the DDN will execute the Management, Implementation and Coordination of the projects necessary for the clear and unambiguous definition of the program.

Analysis of the Execution Project
This analysis is performed by giving emphasis to the compatibility between the architecture and the various engineering, checking out the interrelationships between the various pieces designed and written for different projects, special technical conditions and measurements, taking account the applicable legal provisions.

Contract Management (with Tender Process)
After the analysis of the project and conditions of the terrain, DDN ensures that the scope is defined and the desired quality for the project is reflected in tendering procedures performed for contracts. We believe that it is at this stage that if you meet many of the contractual problems with contractors, we consider important to be immediately involved in the analysis of the proposals submitted, assisting as consultants in this negotiation phase and ensuring the development of the construction contract, supporting the client in throughout the whole negotiation.

Preparation of the work
At this stage the aim is essentially to act preventively, making summary analysis to projects, by checking "in situ" the lay of the land and its implications with the projects and contracts.

At this stage DDN will perform the control of the work, in terms of costs, deadlines and materials applied and developed in the work, ensuring the quality of the project and overseeing the development of the work.

Project Delivery
DDN will manage this critical phase in which it is necessary to develop a set of administrative procedures at the level of the licenses that allow the client, on the one hand to obtain licenses to use and on the other hand manage with the contractor the elimination of all technical anomalies of the building’s construction.

Control and Report
This is the transversal activity to the service, which carries out the control, cost, and quality analysis of discrepancies and the management of changes to the scope of the project, making the respective "report" to the client in the meeting minutes and the various reports (project analysis, analysis of contractors' proposals, monthly reports and final report).

Project Exploration
It is increasingly common to the client ask us to keep on the exploration phase. This reality makes perfect sense when you consider that we are after all who better knows the Project.